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Porto Santa Margherita

All kinds of accommodation facilities, bars, shops and boutiques, sandy beaches with bathing facilities equipped with every service, a weekly market and pedestrian area: this is what Porto Santa Margherita has to offer; in the 60s it was an important nautical hub, now it is also a tourist centre which garners the enthusiasm of all kinds of travellers.

It is located at the end of the Ponente Beach, beyond the mouth of the river Livenza. To reach it, take the cycling path or, in summer, the steamboat.

Besides the docks, which offer 500 spots for boats and all annexed services, worthy of mention are also the parish church dedicated to the Glorious Cross and Saint John XXIII and, opposite, the municipal swimming pool (tel. +39 0421 260090 – email: with an annexed gym.

Porto Santa Margherita was formerly known as the "Lido delle Donzelle” (the beach of the damsels) for a historic fact which occurred in the 10th century: the famous "Abduction of the Damsels" known and celebrated to this day in Venice as the "Festa delle Marie - Celebration of the Maries", instituted in 944.

According to tradition, on the night of the 1st February of that year, the pirates who lived on the coasts of Istria entered Venice and kidnapped the young girls who were supposed to marry noble, wealthy Venetians. But the Venetian fleet captained by Doge Pietro Candiano II reacted and reached the pirates on the beaches of what is now known as Porto Santa Margherita and defeated them with the help of the caorlotti!

In summer, Porto Santa Margherita is connected to Duna Verde, Lido Altanea  and Caorle thanks to the urban bus service: click here for the timetable.


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