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Fondazione Caorle Città dello sport

The Foundation was founded in 2008. The sports and tourism policies pursued by the Foundation are inspired by:

  • a) the valorisation of sport as a tool for personal and social education and training in collaboration with sports bodies and associations, as an eminent form of territorial self-government, through which to implement the principle of subsidiarity, constitutionally and legislatively enshrined;
  • b) the possibility for the citizens of Caorle of a fair and widespread use of the facilities, which reaffirms the right of every resident to sporting activity;
  • c) the dissemination, development and support of grassroots sport with particular regard to the youth and amateur sector;
  • d) disseminate the various sports disciplines among the citizens of Caorle as a means of physical, moral and cultural education, promoting initiatives and events, taking care of sports training activities, also in collaboration with educational institutions, promoting knowledge of the environment in which they take place the aforementioned activities;
  • e) promote, welcome, inform, assist, favour, coordinate activities or events that have a touristic or cultural nature;
  • f) sensitize the operators, the Public Administrations, the local populations to allow the diffusion of the culture of hospitality in the area and of tourist hospitality;
  • g) allow the valorisation of local tourist resources also through events and initiatives aimed at attracting tourists and favoring their stay or permanence;
  • h) develop initiatives for the improvement of the localities in which it operates with the aim of promoting tourism, enhancing the reality and the naturalistic, cultural, historical, artistic, monumental, social potential of the places on which it exists.

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274