Concordia Sagittaria at the table
Concordia Sagittaria, 20 km from Caorle, is not only worth a visit because of its very important historic, cultural and archaeological heritage, but also because of its traditional culinary delights with local recipes passed down from generation to generation, such as Concordia-style or creamed salt cod.
Then there are the typical products and dishes that are celebrated on particular days, such as the “brondua” which has always been connected with Ascension day (forty days after Easter). It is a sausage made of pig’s tongue and ground pork typical of the country tradition, whose origins date back to the Most Serene Republic of Venice, which is boiled for three to four hours and then served hot in slices. In Concordia Sagittaria there is a special version, aromatised with cloves, cinnamon and garlic! Also to be tried with horseradish.
But the best of all is the herring, known as “renga”, the unrivalled protagonist of the Concordia culinary scene, to be served on hot crusty bread or polenta. This fish is celebrated every year during the period leading up to Easter around Ash Wednesday with a competition, “La Renga d’Oro”, with awards for the best herring based dishes made by all the local restaurants but also on the stands of the cooking contest.
And how are the “renga” fillets prepared? Here’s how:
"Renga" fillets
Ingredients (for 4 people)
- 4 smoked herrings
- 8 slices polenta
- vegetable oil
- parsley
- grains of pepper
- 2 cloves garlic
Place the herrings under continuously running water for two days, then boil them in water or milk for 5 minutes, remove the skin and, taking out as many bones as possible, form the two fillets, resting on a casserole dish, then cover them with vegetable oil, chopped parsley, grains of pepper and garlic cut into large pieces. Leave the “renga” to rest for at least a day. Serve it with grilled polenta after taking it out of the fridge a couple of hours before eating.