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Scuba diving

Love and passion for the sea are what motivates the Gruppo Sommozzatori di Caorle (Caorle Scuba diving Group) affiliated with FIPSAS (Italian Recreational Fishing and Scuba diving Activities Federation) which, over the course of the years, has explored the coastal stretch from Piave to Tagliamento and from the coastline to the international water border. 

It is thanks to the Caorle Scuba Diving Group, who have explored the Caorle seabed in great detail, that many "tegnue" have been registered and the idea of protecting these ecosystems came to mind; there is now a protected marine area called the City of Caorle Marine Oasis.

The Caorle Scuba diving Group also organises courses for:

  • practical lessons in delimited areas;
  • swimming-pool lessons;
  • theory lessons;
  • practical exams in the delimited area during the lessons in the pool;
  • theory exams;
  • exams in open water.

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274