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Vallevecchia Natural Oasis

The Vallevecchia Nature Oasis is located in Caorle, locality "La Brussa", and, as the crow flies, it is only 150 metres far from the town. However, we are separated by the source of the Caorle Lagoon called the Canalon; this is where the rivers Lemene, Reghena, Nicesolo and a branch of the river Livenza merge, meaning you must travel 43 Km in order to reach this oasis by land! But, trust us, it's worth it. Do you know why?

Vallevecchia is an island which covers about 900 hectares of land; it is surrounded by the waters of the sea, the lagoon and the rivers, which contribute to creating an extremely complex but highly interesting ecosystem: it is the perfect getaway for people who love nature, peace and quietness and it features a beautiful, natural, sandy, rugged beach!
Once upon a time, this area was all lagoon; it was only after it was drained and the swamp area reclaimed in the 60s that an island was formed. It is the one remaining stretch of the high-Adriatic coastline to not be inhabited and it is separated from the urbanised world by a unique dune system: help preserve it, the way we Caorle locals do! Explore it on foot or by bicycle, crossing the fields, the dunes and the pine-wood; you'll find bird-watching spots to catch a glimpse of the many non-migratory and migratory bird species, including the red heron, the mallard, but also a chance to spot the vast animal community including the fox, the hare and the roe deer. The salty waters are inhabited by a species of eel which is masterfully prepared on the spit by local fishermen: the Italian name of the dish is “bisato al speo”. Observe this rich animal and plant habitat in silence, taste the salty air of the sea, enjoy the perfectly-cultivated agricultural landscape and respect the code of conduct!

For more information, visit the website
“Archive photos by Agenzia Veneto Agricoltura”©



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via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274