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By train

By train

The best train stations to reach Caorle are San Donà di Piave, San Stino di Livenza and Portogruaro; the ATVO bus service ( also brings you to our Hamlet.


  • from San Donà di Piave station, head to the bus station and take the line which brings you to Caorle;
  • from the stations of San Stino di Livenza and Portogruaro, you can directly take the bus for Caorle.

If you'd rather get a taxi, you'll find one easily outside the stations.

Distance from the given train stations to Caorle:

  • San Donà di Piave 32 km (approximately 30 minutes);
  • San Stino di Livenza 23 km (approximately 25 minutes);
  • Portogruaro 29 km  (approximately 30 minutes).

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© 2022 Fondazione Caorle Città dello Sport
via Roma, 26 
30021 Caorle (Venezia)
p.iva / c.f. 03923230274